Art and Artists of African descent in Canada. The creative process,Exhibitions,Ideas and new thoughts on Art as it intersects with community.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
New Directions.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Dzian Lacharite
Bryan: What do you do for Art?
Dzian: I’m actually constantly thinking in the art form. That’s the part I would describe as the art form ,it’s the way of thinking about it. Everyday , wether it’s my hands that are moving it, the material or my mind is moving in the material, that’s my art form, and it could be material, words, it could be anything. Its like recomposing reality all the time that’s what it is for me. In your mind
Bryan : and how does it manifest itself.
Dzian: How does what manifest itself?
Bryan : Your Art. I mean how does it,,,
Dzian: Its kind of the pieces of past present and future, put together in the same place. Like memories of the past. Known factors. Present like the action of moving these factors. And the future is what the interaction with people, what it will give to those factors, as impression.
Bryan:Ooohhhhh, and your hope for your work
Dzian; is to,, open different ways of thinking about things, give new angles to ways of thinking. Any matter that I meet I always try to find the furthest point that’s been done with that piece. Like when I did ceramics for three years I wanted to know big you can construct something before it smash down, how long it dries, what will happen when you go further than the known limit, the prescribed limit.
Bryan: beyond the limits of it’s materiality?
Dzian: yes, of any material. The same when I was working with felt. This is what I like to do sculptures with right now. a lot, I want to do mixtures of felt and wires. Creating "personage" that you can see through and at the same time they have a density where they are themselves and there is so much to know about that part. So there’s the transparency of the beings and at the same time the density, the plasticity that holds you from going any further than what they decided they want you to go.
Bryan: so with all your work wether its painting sculpture puppets spoken work. Is there a theme, besides moving beyond it’s own limitations