Welcome to the tens, Each year I act as though things will be different because the clock and the calender done changed. As though it's a a new day! Rather than a continuation of the old, nothing stops and starts in life, rather we change, and in a slow methodical way... That being said I like the illusion. I need the illusion.
This segment of my life will be the same but different, lots of risks are for the taking, and taking i want to do. so hang on. please come out to see my shows, which will be posted for your entertainment. The need to produce work in the theatrical and visual and performative arts is on an all time high for me
stay tuned. I want to thannk the folks a the MAI in Montreal for pushing our show"Terminal Terminal" it was fantastic for both Deborah and myself. also please stay tuned as i will post the entire show ,in segments in the coming months....
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