I was watching the news the other day, yesterday, and there was a bit on the CIA and its use of torture. This is not new. They and others have always had the "men in darkk suits who do the work we don't want to know about". what has this to do with Merhan Nasseri, the real "terminal man" well it seemed as though the CIA have helped in creating torture and death squads all over the world. In the case of Merhan, the CIA helped create SAVAK the secret police, which helped to crush all opponents of the shah, and according to Sir Alfred Merhan's book "The Terminal Man" Torture and interrogation methods in SAVAK prisons include but are not limited to; electric shocks,whippings beatings,inserting broken glass into a persons body, the forced extraction of teeth, the forced extraction of fingernails, the forced extraction of toenails,tying weights to the testicles, and pouring boiling water into the rectum."
I am writing about his life WILL BE performing his days in the airport.
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